محاضرة بشير السباعي بمركز دراسات الترجمة

22 مارس 2011

AUC Web » Research at AUC » The Center for Translation Studies » Bashir Al Sibaie Lecture

The Center for Translation Studies was delighted to host the renowned translator and public intellectual Bashir al-Sibaie on March 22, 2011. Throughout his lecture, al-Sibaie used his experience as a translator to describe the field of Orientalism. In his comments about many of the most prominent and famous Orientalists from the age of Enlightenment until the present day, al-Sibaie provided not only a historical and engaging look at how Orientalism came into being and developed over time but also real personal insight into the process of bringing this corpus of knowledge across language barriers into his native Arabic.
Highlights from the Lecture:

"هناك إشكالية بشأن (تعريف) الاستشراق. وهذه الإشكالية لا تتعلق بالاستشراق فقط ولكن يبدو أنّها تتعلق بكل الحقول المعرفية. وعندما يتصل الأمر بما يُسمى بصدام يحدث بين الثقافات فمن الطبيعي أن تزداد هذه الإشكالية احتداداً."

" There is a problematic with regards to [the definition of] Orientalism. This problematic is not particular to Orientalism alone; rather, it seems that it is related to all fields of knowledge.. When the issue comes to what is termed ‘the clash of cultures’ then it seems natural that this problematic becomes more accentuated."

"الاستشراق لعب دورا مهما في صياغة الهوية القومية ورؤية المصريين لتاريخهم واحتفائهم بتاريخهم وحقهم في أن يكونوا أمة مثل الأمم المتقدمة الأخرى الجديرة بالحرية والاستقلال."

“Orientalism played an important role in the elaboration of a national identity and Egyptians’ perception and celebration of their own history, as well as their right to be a nation that deserves freedom and independence like other advanced nations.”

"مستشرقو الماضي و إلى عهد قريب كانوا أجانب، ولكن الحقيقة مشهد الاستشراق تبدّل الآن. المستشرقون الآن قادمون من الشرق."

“The Orientalists of the past and until recent time were foreigners. However, today the field of Orientalism has changed. The Orientalists now are from the East.”

About the Speaker

Bashir al-Sibaie is a renowned poet, historian, critic and one of the Arab World’s most distinguished translators from Russian, French and English into Arabic with more than 65 translated titles to his name in the fields of Orientalism, social science, philosophy, history, literary criticism and theory as well as poetry, drama and the novel. Many of his translations are indispensable classics, and their authors include Timothy Mitchell, Alain Gresh, Andre Raymond, Tzevtan Todorov, Charles Baudelaire, Henri Laurens and the Egyptian surrealist poets Georges Henein and Joyce Mansour. He is the recipient of the Mediterranean Institute Book Award in Translation (2007) and The Rifaa al-Tahtawi National Award in Translation (2010) for his translation of the encyclopedic work by French historian, Henri Laurens La Question de la Palestine (The Question of Palestine) that alone constituted 2789 pages and five years of intensive work. To listen to the lecture click here

For more information on Bashir al-Sibaie’s translations please visit his blog at: http://mabda-alamal.blogspot.com


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